
Monday, April 11, 2011

A Little Bitty Update!

Kelsey asked how my latest quilt is coming along. Sadly to say, it isn't. Worse yet, it is laying on the table almost in a wad.

How come? I'm not sure. I just haven't felt like working on anything sewing related in the last week or so. Hopefully, later on this week, I'll get the creative juices flowing again.

I think, too, with the warm weather I like to sit out on the back patio and read. The latest book I read, this weekend, was on my Kindle and was a free book.   I assume it is a Christian Fiction book.  I really enjoyed it. 

I just found out it is no longer free.

Still working on school things every now and then so there's not much to tell.

Happy snipping, stitching, and quilting!


  1. I'll bet if you spread that quilt out on the table and kept looking at it, you would be motivated to do a little something on it. It looks great so far. I can understand about wanting to get outside when the weather is nice though.

  2. I went through a stage where I didn't see the room at all. I just didn't feel like sewing. Now, of course when we are getting ready for the cottage, I'm a sewing fiend.
    The warm days do lure us into the quiet spaces though.

  3. I love finding all of the free Kindle books! Some of them I like and some I don't but as long as it is free it doesn't hurt to try them out. I wish my favorite well known authors would come down in price for Kindle - maybe one day? until then I am being more selective of what I get.



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