
Friday, December 19, 2014


That was the text I sent Larry around 1 p.m. today. In other words, school is out for 2 weeks. And a much needed break it is. Teaching 6th grade is much more tiring than 3rd or 4th grade. It's the age thing I guess -- and hormones.

I quickly built a fire in the wood stove and sat up a work area in the den. It make the room look a mess, but that is ok. I love being warmed by wood heat.

A couple of weeks ago, I purchased a couple of large red snowflakes on clearance at Pier 1. When I first saw them, I thought they would be great on a white pillow.

So tonight, I am machine appliqueing them on a pillow top. It is taking quite awhile.  Of course, I am watching Netflix as I sew.

Maybe I'll have a finished pillow to show tomorrow.

Happy snipping, stitching, and quilting.


  1. I'll bet that's slow going on that snowflake ... but it's going to be a spectacular pillow when you're done!

  2. Totally elegant and it sounds like you have found the perfect place to complete the project!!!! Love wood heat!!!!! p.s. If you could check your settings so I could comment on my Wp ID I would appreciate it.

    1. Doreen, I'm not sure what you mean. I use Blogger. If someone can tell me how to do that, I will be happy to change it.



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