
Friday, August 15, 2014

Saying Goodbye

to summer. This is my last weekend off and it's back to work.

The summer has flown by and I stayed so busy. I can't complain because I feel really good with lots of energy. Last year at this time, I discovered I was anemic, had thyroid issues, and a UTI. I spent most of the summer on the patio reading and napping. Not complaining about that either. It was a great summer.

I canned 22 pints of salsa last week from homegrown tomatoes from my brother's garden. It turned out so good, I am trying to get my hands on some more tomatoes before they quit producing for the summer. I also put 12 quarts of peaches in the freezer from my parent's trees. I also helped my sister put up I don't know how many more.

The basil needs to be harvested again but I am waiting to see if I can get some more tomatoes. I would love to can some spaghetti sauce.

We painted the outside of our home. I worked on it off and on for the entire month of July. Our home is two levels and really, really high. I was able to paint to whole back uing ladders and  standing on the roof for part of it. Then I painted what I could on the front using a ladder. We ended up renting a lift to finish up the front and ends of the house.

As you can see from the grass on the concrete, I have also kept up with the mowing. I am amazed at how thick and grass is after push mowing and keeping it mowed frequently.

I have been working in the sewing room; but, on surprises so I cannot post pictures yet.

This top is now a flimsy.

I don't even have a picture of it. I will try to post one soon.

I think tomorrow will be a day of catching up on mowing, reading, sewing. I guess a little of this and a little of that.

Happy snipping, stitching, and quilting.


  1. You're braver than I am. I don't mind painting, but I'm afraid of heights, so I don't do ladders, especially outdoors where the ground is not 100% flat, so the ladder can get a little wobbly.

    Glad you had a good summer ... doesn't seem possible that it's time for you to go back to work. Students here have been back in the classroom for a week now. Where did summer go?

  2. you have been busy - we need to rent one of those things this fall to do some work on the house that we can't reach - thanks for sharing that. School back in session already I bet, have fun!



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