
Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Three-day Weekends . .

are always great. I really expected to get a lot of sewing done, but I never made it to the sewing room.

Saturday morning, I walked and cleaned a little bit. Saturday afternoon I canned 6 pints of boneless chicken breasts. I like to have some ready for quick meals.

Sunday I visited with my dad and brothers and sisters. We enjoyed grilled burgers with all the fixings.

On Monday, Larry and I went to pick strawberries. I was hoping to pick 3 or 4 gallons. We were lucky to be able to pick 2 gallons. When we arrived, 20 minutes after they opened, there was already 30 or so people picking. I was afraid what we picked were not very ripe and really small. But once we got them home and laid out on newspaper, they didn't look so bad.

We stopped back by my dad's on the way home and I decided to stay and help my sister weed the vegetable garden.

Monday evening, I washed and sliced the strawberries. I canned 6 pints of strawberry pie filling. Don't they look good. Then after they were washed, I realized that we had found really good berries.

This is the first time I made a pie filling so I am interested to find out what we think about it. I am trying to make everything I can low or no sugar so Larry can enjoy it too.

Tonight I am going to try some Strawberry Caramel Sauce with the strawberries I have left. I absolutely love caramel but don't have it very often. I try to stay away from sweets.

So anyway, I'll let you know how that goes.

Happy snipping, stitching, and quilting.



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